The winning entry:
"This is the lastest in steam-driven automobile --
The Kettillac!."
- Krishna Kumar
The shortlisted ones:
"Check out my car's new exhaust pipe.
Now, I can drive through floods!"
- Julia Chin
"Welcome to Ah Seng Mobile Bak Kut Teh Stall.
Have a seat inside. Youl will be served shortly."
- Cindy Goh Shu Wei
"Hey, this is my grandpa's CNG car back in the 30s!"
- Mustaqim Bin Ramdzan
"Wow! Another splendid contribution to
The Sunday Times' 'WE HELP YOU SAVE' series!"
- Ho Hoi Sang
"You told me to warm up the engine first."
- Brenda Lim Li Ying