A head scratcher

Each time LTA posts an entry on their Faceboook page
proclaiming how many errant PMD riders they have intercepted,
there will be people who respond like so:

What I don't understand is, why are they praising LTA
(and why there are others who THUMBS UP those praises)?

It was LTA which allowed PMDs on walkways in the first place,
which led to...

How could you praise someone who puts your life at risk?

The only "Good Job" LTA has done is not allowing
shared e-scooters on public land. Yet.

It is already a struggle to contain the current PMD mayhem.
To open the shared e-scooter floodgates would be an unwise move.

(Note: I have nothing against PMDs. But I have major issues
with errant riders. I was nearly hit by a Grabfood delivery guy
speeding on his e-scooter on July 13, 2019.)